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Tiramisu with the Thermomix 

I didn't like Tiramisu at all. Until I was asked to bring a Tiramisu to a meeting with friends. I like this recipe very much and it is so easily made in the Thermomix.
Ingredients for 8 portions:

500 g mascarpone
110 g sugar
2 eggs (m size)
1 egg yolk
approx.300 g ladyfingers / spongefingers
300 g cold coffee, with of without caffein
ca. 20 g cocoa powder

Thermomix Tiramisu

  1. Put the butterfly whisk in to the mixing bowl. Add the eggs, the egg yolk an the sugar and whip 6 min. / speed 4. Remove butterfly whisk.
  2. Close the lid again (wihout the measuring cup), program 2 min. / speed 3 and add the mascarpone through the whole in the lid into the mixing bowl.
  3. Shortly soak the ladyfingers into the cold coffee and place them into a rectangular dish (30 x 20 x 5 cm).
    Cover the layer of ladyfingers with a layer of the mascarpone cream.
  4. Arrange another layer of ladyfingers on top and cover it with another layer of the mascarpone cream.
    Cover the dish with cling film and store it into the fridge for about 5 hours.
  5. Right before serving cover the Tiramisu with cocoa powder through a sieve.
Thermomix Tiramisu
Thermomix Tiramisu piece

working time (min.)

preparation time (hrs.) incl. cooling time

Ich würze mit den Gewürzen der Firma Just Spices GmbH. Bei einem Einkauf im Online-Shop auf www.justspices.de erhaltet ihr mit der Eingabe des Codes TURBOMIX im Warenkorb kostenlos mein monatlich wechselndes Lieblingsgewürz. Mehr Infos dazu auch hier.

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